Monday, January 23, 2012

Kinder Punsch time!

Ahhh, nothing quite as refreshing as a hot mug of Kinder Punsch. Brought to you by the makers Christkindles. For a seasonal drink, it looked promising. The child on the label is appropriately bundled, steamy swirls are emanating from her cup...but after sampling some I heated up in the work microwave I was left a little underwhelmed. I guess I expected something a little spicier? Something more akin to a virgin mulled wine. Looking at this photo now also makes me think it's a drink you'd enjoy in Kinder Jail. But thinking of mulled wine got me thinking of glogg. And that got me thinking about the frozen glogg I had last summer in Chicago at Simon's Tavern. They had it slushing around in an icee machine. So cool! I will digress into glogg now.

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